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Peak Buy-Back Rate


All year round!

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NZ's best solar buy-back rate!

When you join the Lincoln Flexibility Project you'll receive NZ's best buy-back rate of 51c/kWh during peak hours and 12c/kWh during off-peak hours. You'll be guaranteed a minimum of $360 over 12 months. If your solar export earnings are less than $360, we'll credit you the difference.

 If you haven't already thought about solar for your home, now is the time. 

Ecotricity Line-1

What is the Lincoln Flexibility Project?

Lincoln is seeing large scale residential growth, which is raising the demand for electricity in the area. Traditionally that growth in demand would require more electricity network infrastructure to be built. However, by utilising new and existing batteries in the community, Orion is looking to reduce network demand at key times, for instance during winter morning or evening peaks.

By joining the Lincoln Flexibility Project you'll be supporting the local community by reducing network costs, reducing CO2 emissions and deferring network upgrades.

Read the media release here.

Solar farm
Ecotricity Line-1

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Ecotricity + Orion

How does it benefit you & the community?

Time-of-Use pricing

We will be able to shift load to enable you to take advantage of Time-of-Use pricing and can also program devices to discharge into the house or the local network during peak network periods.

NZ's best buy-back rate

Export your solar for 51c/kWh during peak periods and 12c/kWh during off peak periods from the connection date until 30th September 2025. 

Buyers guide
Competitive Price Plans

We offer competitive rates for imported and exported electricity, to further maximise the return on your battery investment. 

Get in contact with our team today and they will find the ideal price plan for you!


100 percent
Deferring Network Upgrades

Flexibility support from batteries will be used to reduce peak electricity demand, extending the time before Orion needs to upgrade the local network.


*SolarZero systems are already part of the Lincoln Flexibility Project and are being used to subsidize and reduce SolarZero battery prices. SolarZero customers are therefore not eligible for additional payment.


Ecotricity Line-1

Pricing Products

Competitive Price Plans

The Lincoln Flexibility Project works perfectly in conjunction with our competitive price plans. Contact us at solar@ecotricity.co.nz (09 283 0477 or +64 9 283 0477) to get set up today.


Lincoln Flexibility Project Price Plan

This exclusive price plan is only available to customers who are part of the Lincoln Flexibility Project. We are offering super low rates between 3am - 5am to optimise battery and EV charging. Energy and export rates are fixed until the end of September 2025. Lines losses are included in energy pricing, and all pricing excludes GST. All Time-of-Use network charges are passed on at cost.

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Import Rate Clock

Orion Email Clock

Export Rate Clock

Export Off Peak Lincoln Flex prices 4
Ecotricity Line-1


Check out these super solar & battery deals....

Unlock Savings: Trustworthy Solar Guidance for A Sustainable Future!
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Get up to $1,000 off a new solar system as part of the Lincoln Flexibility Project! 
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15 years experience in installing solar. Lincoln Flexibility Project Winter Special $1,000 off! 
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Finance options

Authorised Provider Directory

All NZ major banks offer a green loan special rates for your solar system and battery upgrade. All Ecotricity partners are SEANZ Members authorised and approved to supply installed solar systems for renewable energy loans provided by all major banks: Westpac, ASB, ANZ, Kiwibank, BNZ. 

Click on your bank to check their special rate and start your renewable energy independence today! 

A network of decentralised generation and load sources we can combine and control to inject energy back into the local network when required. What is a Virtual Power Plant (VPP)?
A way of balancing electricity demand, where we can reduce or shift load. What is Demand Response (DR)?
Our VPP & DR programme is designed to operate in the background so your daily activities won’t be negatively impacted. You’ll get all the existing benefits from your devices as well as additional financial incentives and the knowledge that you’re helping your local community. How is the VPP & DR control going to impact my system capacity and user experience?
Upon sign up with Ecotricity, your energy rates and buyback prices are fixed for a 12-month term. This project does not change these terms of agreement. We want to provide our customers with as much protection from the volatility of the energy market as possible. What is the duration for the energy and export rates provided by Ecotricity under this programme?
The project will run for an initial 17 months. We will liaise with you closer to the end of the project term regarding our next steps forward. How long does the Lincoln Flexibility Project run for?
After the initial project term has concluded, you can continue with our general VPP & DR programme or opt to have all device control handed back to you. What happens to my battery at the end of the programme?
A 'control period' is based on periods of highest load on the Orion network. These normally, but not exclusively, take place between 6am - 9am and 5:30pm - 9pm between May and October. Flexibility will be needed for up to 40.5 hours per annum. What is an Orion 'control period'?
Absolutely. You can opt out of a notified network event twice a year. You can also leave the programme whenever you wish with 30 days written notice. Monthly fixed energy credits will stop being applied as soon as we have disconnected your devices. Can I opt out of a network event or leave the programme outside of May and October?
No, you cannot during this time period. This requirement is to ensure we have enough capacity to fulfil trial obligations. Can I opt out of a network event or leave the programme between May and October?
We will not be cycling batteries more than they would be cycled normally. We have worked with our hardware partners to ensure that our cycling is not at odds with their standard functionality. If you're uncertain then feel free to contact your installer. Will the trial reduce battery life due to increased cycling?
Ecotricity will provide flexibility services by shifting as much movable load as possible to off peak network times and injecting stored energy back into the grid during a network event. How will Ecotricity use their DR & VPP platforms as part of the Lincoln Flexibility Project?
We are committed to offering an excellent experience. However, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Maggie at magdalena.grunwald@ecotricity.co.nz or 021 237 1515, or alternatively contact the Utilities Disputes on 0800 22 33 40 What happens if I have a dispute or if something goes wrong?


How does the credit work?

For the Lincoln Flexibility Project, customers with solar and battery systems can join to receive a 51c buy-back rate during peak hours and 12c during off-peak hours. You'll be guaranteed a minimum of $360 over 12 months. If your solar export earnings are less than $360, we'll credit you the difference. The credit will be calculated on an annualised basis, at $30 per month you are in the programme. If your export earnings over 12 months come out to be less than $360 total we will credit your account the difference (at the end of the 12 months) so you are guaranteed to receive $360 no matter what. If your solar export exceeds this, then no credit will be applied. 

Credits will be applied when the trial ends - October 2025.

Why is the Peak rate higher than the other rates?

Electricity exported to the grid is more valuable during peak times due to high demand. We reward Lincoln Flexibility Project customers with NZ's leading buyback rate for any excess electricity they can export during these peak periods.

How do I know if this project will benefit me?

We provide you a breakdown of your peak and off-peak export on your invoice, as well as your  usage during the same time periods, plus the shoulder, weekends and super off-peak periods. This breakdown will give an idea of your usage and export throughout the day for you to decide whether you could get value from this project. You would likely still need to shift usage to off-peak to benefit the most.

Why doesn't the weekend have peak rates?

Our peak times align with national peak periods on the electricity grid, typically occurring during weekday mornings and evenings. These times reflect higher demand compared to weekends. We do not charge peak rates for imports over the weekends; instead, only super off-peak and weekend rates apply.

What is a Virtual Power Plant (VPP)?
A network of decentralised generation and load sources we can combine and control to inject energy back into the local network when required.
What is Demand Response (DR)?
A way of balancing electricity demand, where we can reduce or shift load. This can include residential batteries, electric vehicles, hot water cylinders and commercial loads. 
How is the VPP & DR control going to impact my system capacity and user experience?
Our VPP & DR programme is designed to operate in the background so your daily activities won’t be negatively impacted.  You’ll get all the existing benefits from your devices as well as additional financial incentives and the knowledge that you’re helping your local community.
What is the duration for the energy and export rates provided by Ecotricity under this programme?
Upon joining Ecotricity, your energy rates and buyback prices are fixed for a 24-month term from signup. If you are an existing Ecotricity customer then your existing (superb) pricing will continue or be updated to Lincoln Flexibility Project pricing.
How long does the Lincoln Flexibility Project run for?
The project will run for an initial 19 months from 1st March 2024 - 30th September 2025. We will liaise with you closer to the end of the project term regarding our next steps forward.
What happens to my battery at the end of the programme?
After the initial project term has concluded, you can continue with our general VPP & DR programme or opt to have all device control handed back to you.
What is an Orion Network Event?
A Lincoln Flex 'network event' will take place on periods of highest load on the Orion Lincoln network. These normally take place between 6am - 11am and 4pm - 11pm in Winter 2024 and 2025 (between 1st May and 30th September). Flexibility will likely be needed for around 5-15 mornings or evenings in 2024 and 40-75 mornings or evenings in 2025.
Can I opt out of a network event or leave the programme outside of May and September?
Absolutely. You can opt out of a notified network event twice a year. You can also leave the programme whenever you wish with 30 days written notice. Monthly fixed energy credits will stop being applied as soon as we have disconnected your devices. 
Can I opt out of a network event or leave the programme between May and September?
No, you cannot during this time period. This requirement is to ensure we have enough capacity to fulfil trial obligations. 
Will the trial reduce battery life due to increased cycling?
We will not be cycling batteries more than they would be cycled normally. We have worked with our hardware partners to ensure that our cycling complies with your battery warranty and their standard functionality. If you're uncertain then feel free to contact your installer. 
How will Ecotricity use their DR & VPP platforms as part of the Lincoln Flexibility Project?
Ecotricity will provide flexibility services by shifting as much movable load as possible to off peak network times and injecting stored energy back into the grid during a network event. 
What happens if I have a dispute or if something goes wrong?
We are committed to offering an excellent experience. However, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Clara at solar@ecotricity.co.nz  or 09 283 0477 or +64 9 283 0477.
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